€150,00 EUR

2 monthly payments

Solo Lover Valentine - Two Payments


Sensualist Essentials

Daily Somatic Practices for Sensual Awakening

We've designed this course with simple yet powerful daily practices that can easily fit into busy lives. These practices aim to enhance your senses, nurture your soul, and lead you toward a more fulfilling and engaged life. The course encourages regular, short practices, emphasizing their effectiveness over infrequent longer ones. Engaging in these rituals isn't just a routine; it's a self-love commitment that helps you align with your authentic self and transform your relationship with your body over time.

Deep Self Worship

Solo Sacred Sexuality

Deep Self Worship is an online journey created to give you all the foundations, inspiration, tools and education you need to start your journey into neo-tantra and the path of liberation!

Over these 6 weeks you will learn to master conscious self-pleasure, explore the path of solo Tantra through meditation and the tools of awakening, and transform your relationship to yourself.

Journey into your body, heart and soul and unravel the conditioning and limiting stories that hold you back from your full erotic potential.

Self Love Package

Bonus Content