€82,00 EUR

3 monthly payments

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Deep Self Worship- Payment Plan

Dive into a journey of Pleasure and Self love...

Join Deep Self Worship

What you'll get:

  • a 6 week journey into your pleasure, power and essence. 
  • 6 Modules with multiple lectures/classes for you to learn about Sacred Sexuality, Tantra and Self Love
  • 6 Audio meditations
  • 6+ Pleasure practices 
  • Access to the Sensual Artists community with live classes, challenges and calls


What People Are Saying:

This course broke me open in the best of ways. I have found many new ways to love myself, and have new awareness around shame and how to support myself through old blockages. The ripples of self-discovery continue to flow outward...


Over the past two years I have done half a dozen courses on Tantra and self development from ISTA to a mystery school of sacred feminine arts, but it was Luna’s Deep Self Worship Online Journey that has been the thread to tie everything together for me and apply all the things I’ve learnt to deepen my relationship with myself, my pleasure and my emotions. To have the revelation that I can alchemise any emotion into pleasure has truly changed my life and was the missing piece to so many puzzles in my personal and also professional life. Thank you thank you thank you, Luna for this gift. I highly recommend this course to any one at any level of their personal/tantric discovery. Her transmission lands so deeply because of how truly embodied she is in this work, it would be impossible to complete this course with out having your mind blown in some way.
